Do you need a water softener for well water?
Most of Central Indiana has huge limestone deposits which affect our groundwater. The water in Central Indiana is extremely hard water. Almost every well in Indiana produces very hard water. Most of the time you will need a water softener for well water.
What Brand of Water Softener Do You Recommend?
I would recommend a Watco water softener. In my opinion, they are the best value on the market. In addition, I can get parts for those and I can service them. Furthermore, they use one of the leading softener heads on the market called a FLECK. Fleck is the brand of the softener head. Additionally, when you purchase a Watco softener the money supports a local Indiana business.
Generally, I always recommend a pre-filter on well water to prevent softener head damage. Here are four blow-down sediment filters that I recommend below. Click on the links below the pictures to learn more about the filters.
Basically, the blow-down filter used in conjunction with the canister filter provides a lot of protection for your water softener system. To clarify, your blow-down filter will have a micron-sized cartridge from between 20 to 120 microns that allows the blow-down filter to catch the larger particles. The cartridge filter has a smaller micron cartridge installed that keeps your canister filter cartridge from clogging as fast. In fact, this provides a very economical way of protecting your softener.
All things considered, I don’t know if there are any warranties on the market that will cover a lightning strike. What’s more, do yourself a favor and invest in a water softener surge protector that will guarantee the replacement of appliances.
Do you need a water softener or a sediment filter replaced or installed for your well water? If the answer to that question is yes please don’t hesitate to give us a call or text at (765) 336-9808.